Friday, December 31, 2004

Just Arrived

So, we have been here for about 24 hours, and absolutely love Bs As. We have gotten a lot of emails about a fire in a nightclub here last night...we were not there, and only heard of it when we got panicked emails from friends this morning. Anyway, we are OK. We are staying in a part of town called Palermo Soho, it is right next to Palermo Hollywood, and they are both artsy communities that have a lot of resturaunts, bars and shops all along small tree lined cobblestone streets. It is really beautiful, and very vibrant. The dinner hour starts around 10:30pm, and then people go to bars at midnight or after, and then out clubs later. We were a little tired for all that our first night here, but made it out until midnight. The town is literally more alive at midnight than at noon. Everyone is out, even little kids. In the middle of a square in the heart of Palermo Soho there were a few drummers and about 50 people doing what seemed to be a traditional, tribal dance to a basic drum beat. There were kids as young as 4 and men as old as 80 doing the dance in synch, it was really fun to watch. The people have been very nice, and we have been surprised at how easy going life is here. This city is very impressive, and although we have barely scracthed the surface, we love being here. There is a lot of great energy, but it is much less hectic than we expected (it might be that people are gone for the holidays). We are adjusting to the language and the accent. So far, no one here speaks English, only Castellanos, so we should return home fairly fluent. Anyway, we will try and write in this like a journal as often as we can, and once we master that, then we will try to upload pictures, and become advanced bloggers.