Wednesday, March 02, 2005

27 del Febrero - Nequen

It`s nice to have a good experience in a town when you are just passing through and have no expectations of a place. That is how we felt about Nequen. Nequen is not a tourist destination. It is a city of commerce...where oil and wine money mingle. We hightailed it out of Junin De Los Andes and had to stop at Nequen and spend 24 hours there before catching our next bus to Mendoza. We walked around town the night we arrived there and stumbled upon a cultural festival in the city streets. They were playing music and they set up a stage for the public to dance the tango. We stopped, bought some popcorn to snack on, and watched as the young couples danced around the stage. It was a very intimate and genuine look at the cultural tradition. We saw tango dancing in Buenos Aires at a supper club where performers put on a wonderful show for tourists, but this type of dancing was much different, since it wasn`t designed for our entertainment. It made us wonder if tango is something that is passed down from one generation to another in Argentina. It is a beautiful expression of emotion and an intense tangle of arms and legs. Jen has not been successful at convincing Billy to give it a try.


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